
our company

Beta Product is a young and dynamic company made up of skilled and professional staff who work alongside companies that want to outsource certain stages of their working process.

We are structured and organized to support companies from different industries ensuring productivity at balanced costs.

We work with commitment to ensure our clients a high level of professionality and competence.

Thanks to the quality of its products and the adoption of standardised and controlled working procedures, Beta Product srl has obtained and still maintains UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certification.

Ci impegniamo sempre per mantenere standard qualitativi elevati seguendo attentamente tutti i processi produttivi così da essere per i nostri clienti e fornitori sinonimo di garanzia e affidabilità.

Professionalism, flexibility, quality and customer care come first for us.


just in time

our mission

Our main commitment is to constantly improve our work processes and to further develop our know-how. The aim is to go further and further, to improve by acquiring new knowledge, to be continuously oriented towards the future, while strengthening already acquired experience.

Being constantly attentive to the right performance-cost ratio, having a flair for work and a special focus on our Customers which we consider to be our present and professional future, has allowed us to collaborate with several leading companies in different sectors.


Our satisfaction is to be seen as a partner and not just a service provider, and for that we thank all customers who trust us.



Via S. Eufemia, 225
Fara Filiorum Petri (CH)


+39 0871 79789

